BHRT World Summit Partner Signup Form

Become a partner in the World BHRT Summit!

You have been invited to become a partner in the World BHRT Summit.

You are of course free to simply send emails out to the people you know, inviting them to join us for this once-in-a-lifetime event!  As you know, the basic set of 10 interviews heard on the day of broadcast is sold for $29.  There are also upgrades to listen to the audio at any time ($49) and to receive written transcripts of the interviews and download capabilities ($120) 

However, if you would like to be compensated for sharing this event, we invite you to join us as a promoter of the summit. Some of the partners for similar interview series, have earned over $6,000 during a similar event just for sending out an announcement email and a reminder email to their contact list.

Becoming a partner will give you the ability to earn a commission on the purchase of the interviews and transcripts which we will send out at the conclusion of the summit. The commision is determined by the Center For BHRT Information.  If you have discussed your commission already with the "Center" then your agreed upon commission confirmation will be emailed to you for verification after you fill in this agreement.  If you haven't discussed your commission then a "Center" representative will contact you.

Simply register below to become a partner and you will be emailed further instructions on how and what you will need in order to share this once-in-a-lifetime event with others.

Thank you for joining us!

When filling in the form below, please note that all fields marked with a * are required! 

You will choose a personalized Partner Code that others will use when they sign up. Please choose a code up to 12 characters with no spaces. Please choose something meaningful, containing your last name for example, so it will be easy for others to remember when signing up.

The Partner Display Name is the name that others will see when they use your Partner Code during the sign up process.

* Partner Code: 
* Partner Display Name: 
* First Name: 
* Last Name: 
Make my Checks Payable To: 
* Email: 
* Confirm EMail: 
Tax ID / SSN: 
* Address: 
* City/Town: 
* State/Province: 
* Zip/Postcode: 
* Country: 
Website URL: 
* Security Verification: 
Please type the characters exactly as you
see them (no spaces, case sensitive)

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Pay me with PayPal:  Yes. My PayPal Email is: 
How were you referred to this page:  

By clicking the "Click Here To Join" button below,
you acknowledge that you agree to and understand the terms and conditions of our Partner program.

All fields marked with a * are required! 
We will email your username and password to you.
Please make sure your email address is correct.

Medical Disclaimer:   The information on this website and that you receive during "The World  BHRT Summit" is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of The Center For BHRT Information and the experts that are presenting. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.


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7/27/2024 3:49:55 AM